Xeromphalina cornui

Scientific name : Xeromphalina cornui
Other names: Deutsch: Brauner Glöckchennabeling , Français: Omphale cornée , Slovensky: Tanečnica “cornui”

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Short Description

Cap 0.5-1.5cm wide; reddish brown, marging covered in yellow-gold grain-powder when young, later solid colored; skin has a satin finish, center with belly button like indentation, thin flesh. Gills Yellowish to ocher; clearly decurrent. Stipe Reddish brown; horn-like; frosted; ocher-colored ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Xeromphalina cornui
Xeromphalina cornui
Xeromphalina cornui
Xeromphalina cornui
Xeromphalina cornui


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