Collared Flycatcher

Scientific name : Ficedula albicollis
Other names: Български: Беловрата мухоловка , Brezhoneg: Flouperig kolierek , Català: Papamosques de collar , Česky: Lejsek bělokrký , Dansk: Hvidhalset Fluesnapper , Deutsch: Halsbandschnäpper , Esperanto: Blankakola muŝkaptulo , Español: Papamoscas collarino , Suomi: Sepelsieppo , Français: Gobemouche à collier , Magyar: Örvös légykapó , Italiano: Balia dal collare , Lietuviškai: Baltakaklė musinukė , Latviešu: Baltkakla mušķērājs , Nederlands: Withalsvliegenvanger , Norsk: Halsbåndfluesnapper , Polski: Muchołówka białoszyja , Русский: Мухоловка-белошейка , Svenska: Halsbandsflugsnappare , Türkçe: Halkalı sinekkapan

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Short Description

A small and compact bird. Its wings are short and pointed, and its fan-shaped tail is short and thin. Male birds have a striking black and white pattern.


Collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher


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