Ring Ouzel

Scientific name : Turdus torquatus
Other names: Български: Белогуш дрозд , Brezhoneg: Moualc'h-venez , Català: Merla de pit blanc , Česky: Kos horský , Dansk: Ringdrossel , Deutsch: Ringdrossel , Esperanto: Rubandoturdo , Español: Mirlo capiblanco , Eesti: Kaelusrästas , Basque: Zozo paparzuri , Suomi: Sepelrastas , Français: Merle à plastron , Magyar: Örvös rigó , Italiano: Merlo dal collare , 日本語: クビワツグミ , Lietuviškai: Baltagurklis strazdas , Latviešu: Apkakles strazds , Nederlands: Beflijster , Norsk (nynorsk): Ringtrast , Norsk: Ringtrost , Polski: Drozd obrożny , Português: Melro-de-peito-branco , Русский: Белозобый дрозд , Svenska: Ringtrast , Türkçe: Boğmaklı ardıç kuşu , Українська: Дрізд гірський

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Short Description

Male birds have a black plumage, an underside with white edges and a noticeable white breast stripe. In female birds the coloring is closer to brown, and the breast stripe is pale grey.


Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel


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