Cinnabar-red Polypore

Scientific name : Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
Other names: Deutsch: Zinnoberrote Tramete , Español: Yesquero bermellón , Français: Tramète rouge cinnabre , Lietuviškai: Tikroji raudonpintė , Latviešu: parastā cinobrpiepe , Nederlands: Vermiljoenhoutzwam , Slovensky: Červenica rumelková

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Short Description

Fruit Body 3-10cm wide; flat console shaped; upper side noticeable orange to cinnabar-red; velvety to fine tometulose. Pores cinnabar-red; pores peripheral-squared, occasionally slightly lengthened, easily recognizable without magnifying class. Flesh cinnabar-red; tough-elastic. Season and Habitat January-December; on dead deciduous wood, ...
Author: Dr. Ewald Gerhardt


Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore
Cinnabar-red Polypore


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