Date Palm (Canary Island)

Scientific name : Phoenix canariensis
Other names: Català: Palmera canària , Deutsch: Kanarenpalme , Español: Palmera canaria , Français: Dattier des Canaries , Hrvatski: Kanarska datulja , Magyar: Kanári datolyapálma , Italiano: Palma delle Canarie , 日本語: カナリーヤシ , Lietuviškai: Kanarinis finikas , Nederlands: Canarische dadelpalm , Norsk: Kanariepalme , Polski: Daktylowiec kanaryjski , Português: Palmeira-das-Canárias , Русский: Финиковая пальма канарская , Slovensky: Ďatľovník kanársky , Svenska: Kanariepalm

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Short Description

Wintergreen, up to 25 m high tree with unbranched, rather stout straight stem; Leaves 2-5 m long, pinnate, fresh-green, up to 50 cm long, 160-200 pinnae, hardly folded along the midrib and hence spread flat; Dioecious, blossoms small, yellowish, numerous ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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