Salad Burnet

Scientific name : Sanguisorba minor
Other names: Dansk: Bibernelle , Deutsch: Kleine Wiesenknopf , Español: Pimpinela menor , Suomi: Pikkuluppio , Français: Pimprenelle , Magyar: Csabaíre , Italiano: Pimpinella Piccolo , Nederlands: Kleine pimpernel , Polski: Krwiściąg mniejszy , Português: Burnet Pequeno , Svenska: Pimpinell , Türkçe: Küçük çayırdüğmesi

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Short Description

In some regions, Great Burnet (not to be confused with the Greater Burnet-saxifrage) was used in traditional medicine for its tannins against intestinal disorders. In homeopathy it was used for problems with the venous system. The young leaves smell spicy ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Salad Burnet


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