Toadflax (Common)

Scientific name : Linaria vulgaris
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Adi mahmızca , Česky: Lnice obecná , Deutsch: Leinkraut (Echtes) , Eesti: Harilik käokannus , Suomi: Keltakannusruoho , Français: Linaire commune , Magyar: Közönséges gyújtoványfű , 日本語: Hosobaunran , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji linažolė , Latviešu: Parastā vīrcele , Nederlands: Vlasbekje , Norsk (nynorsk): Torskemunn , Polski: Lnica pospolita , Русский: Льнянка обыкновенная , Slovensky: Pyštek obyčajný , Slovenščina: navadna madronščica , Svenska: Gulsporre

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Short Description

The flowers of Toadflax contain flavonoid glycosides, which are often used in medicine to treat haemmorrhoids and phlebitis. Toadflax is used in homeopathy to treat bladder weakness and certain forms of intestinal inflammation. The plant can also be used to ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Toadflax (Common)


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